Scribbling yearning to become poetrywritten by Dan McDonald
He dreams of glory, fame and love.
But he fears those looking his way.
He wonders what will attract others
Whether towards or away from his soul.
He wants to be loved and held through the night
But more he just wants not to be cast aside.
In most of life he has pondered his falling short
Thus he has lost hope for finding glory, fame, and love.
He learns, he discovers, that he knew not what he wanted.
He pursued fame but it was eternity for which he yearned.
He pursued solitude when it was the simplicity
Of mystery speaking beyond words to his soul he desired.
Had he discovered fame he would have sought solitude.
Had he been treated as with glory and grandeur,
He would yearn only for simple common kindness.
All he had wanted was that which is meant for eternity.
In a moment he discovered it all when for a single moment
He found himself as if he were hidden in the heart of God.
Was it only a deceptive moment now to pass away?
Or an instance of reality discovered in time's deceitfulness?
Was it a beam of illumination casting its light in
He had yearned to be a poet joining rhyme, rhythm and
He felt as if for a single moment he was hidden in the
heart of God.
Or was that the moment he tasted eternity hidden in finite
He imagines he has discovered
but is still prone to forget
That fame, glory, and even love grow cold
Until one’s soul and of course body as well are discovered
To be hidden away in the heart of God.
Eternity you are surely hidden away,
Yet you have brought me to say
Today is hidden away in eternity
And eternity is projected into this day,
and all found truly in the heart of God.
Very fine sentiments. I send my love and blessings. Tbone+
Not bad
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