Friday, January 1, 2016

One-word 2016

One-Word 2016


Written by Dan McDonald,

The Panhandling Philosopher



            I am an old bachelor. Those of us who have remained single most of our lives seldom live balanced lives. Most people learn balance living with other people, partly because they are compelled to do some things simply because others expect it of them. People living alone set up their own time schedules, habits, and ways of doing things without the interference of others. It may sound ideal for a moment, but mostly it means that those of us living alone miss out on the beneficial friction of iron sharpening iron that occurs in close relationships. Bachelors generally will fall into imbalances that might have been minimized by living with other people.

            For me one of the ways my bachelor life is imbalanced is that I am utterly disorganized. Record-keeping, house-keeping, use of time, getting to bed at a decent time, pretty much everything gets put off to the whim of my next decision. Writing is something I like to do. But it is also a tempting escape to which I flee rather than doing the things I should do. So in 2016 I am adopting a one-word theme for my New Year’s resolution. If I follow my New Year’s theme I will probably be writing less often in 2016 than in 2015. I will still write but hopefully shorter pieces and determined more within the parameters of something I should be doing because it is using my time well rather than something I am doing just to escape what I should be doing.

            My goal is to review on a monthly basis one aspect of becoming organized and working on making that a habit for the next month. I have read somewhere that new habits take around three weeks to become part of life. If that is true by taking one part of organization a month I should be able to give myself one month on each part to include into my life. Will plans work out in practice as they were hoped for in theory? Perhaps they won’t. But will practices of life ever change if no plan is ever adopted to change the practices that have become disabling habits. I am pretty certain if no plan is adopted to change the way my life is organized, I will remain disorganized. So the best I can do is to create a plan and seek the Lord’s help in implementing it.

            As tax season nears it seems like one of my first needs will be to attack two birds with one stone. That may seem futile but the two go together. I have receipts that lay wherever I put them in a cluttered house. I have a cluttered house that is an embarrassment to me. So I begin there. I will begin to clean up and organize my home, room by room, and in the process work on my record-keeping. I began today discovering if there were still kitchen counters underneath the things I left on them. They are still there. I thought they would be, but that was just faith in the unseen. One day’s work, a couple of hours is a beginning. But isn’t that the way for whatever improvements we imagine making in a year? The plan is only as good as the day by day implementation. The pitch is only as good as the follow through. The architect’s plans are only as good as the construction company’s workmanship. The most visionary of dreams only become reality through labor.

            This one-word theme “organize” is the closest thing for me to a 2016 New Year’s resolution. I seldom get responses to my blogs, so it would be amazing if you were to share some of your approaches to making changes in life, New Year’s resolutions, and the like. Do you prefer a number of resolutions? I find the one-word theme hopeful to pursue. We will see how it works. To you, I offer my best wishes and prayer on your desires to improve a facet of life in this newest year.

            In the words of Walter Cronkite, the former CBS news anchor with the authoritative sounding voice, I close off saying, “And that’s the way it is, today” the 1st of January, 2016.

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